Guía Completa: Cómo Emigrar a Bahréin y Comenzar una Nueva Vida

El interés por emigrar a Bahréin se ha intensificado en los últimos años, y es fácil ver por qué. Este fascinante país del Medio Oriente, conocido por sus calurosas bienvenidas y modernas ciudades, ofrece una inmensidad de oportunidades. Aquí te presentamos una serie de pautas clave que te ayudarán a asegurar un traslado sin contratiempos y una adaptación exitosa a tu nueva patria.

Requisitos Generales para Emprender tu Viaje a Bahréin

El primer paso consiste en conseguir una visa de residencia, la cual se ata a una oferta de trabajo previamente aceptada, y por supuesto, cumplir con los requerimientos legales de inmigración de Bahréin. Es esencial también sumergirse en la cultura del lugar, desde su historia hasta su lenguaje, religión y estructura gubernamental. Aunque no es mandatorio, un dominio competente del árabe puede abrirte muchas puertas y facilitar tu integración.

Comprende también la estructura de las visas y permisos laborales. En Bahréin necesitarás distintos documentos como la visa de trabajo, un permiso de residencia y, por último, un permiso laboral. Manejar esta información es crucial para residir y trabajar legalmente en el país y, lo más importante, evitar conflictos legales que puedan surgir.

Los Retos de Adaptarse a una Nueva Cultura

Uno de los grandes desafíos al emigrar a Bahréin es familiarizarte con una cultura completamente distinta. Es vital mantener la mente abierta y mostrar respeto por las tradiciones que allí se encuentran. Además, prepárate para encontrarte con un sistema de salud distinto al de tu país de origen. Esto exige que gestiones un seguro de salud confiable y te empapes bien de cómo funciona el sistema de atención médica bareiní.

El costo de vida es otro punto a considerar cuando se planifica el traslado, al igual que la búsqueda de trabajo, que puede ser desalentadora en un mercado que te es desconocido. Para esto, informarse adecuadamente y recibir asesoramiento por parte de expertos es fundamental para afrontar estos retos con solvencia.

Otras Consideraciones Importantes en tu Planificación

Besides the previously mentioned requirements and challenges, there are other important considerations when planning your move to Bahrain. You must be well-versed in the immigration laws and understand your rights as a resident. Planning for your safety by being aware of the secure places to visit, and those to avoid, is also crucial.

Lastly, embracing basic language elements and dressing according to local customs can go a long way in avoiding issues and showing respect towards Bahrain’s culture. With these steps in mind, you can better prepare for emigrating to Bahrain and having a successful experience in the Middle East.

Entry Requirements for Bahrain

To enter Bahrain, you must meet several documentation and permit requirements. You need a valid passport with a minimum validity of 6 months upon entering the country and at least two blank pages for stamps. A digital copy of the biometric data page is also required.

You must also provide a digital passport-type photo against a blue or white background, showing the face clearly. A return ticket to your home country or another destination is needed to prove intentions of leaving Bahrain after your stay. Additionally, proving financial solvency is imperative to show you can support yourself during your time in the country.

Types of Visas to Enter Bahrain

Bahrain offers various types of visas based on the purpose of your visit. Here are some of them:

  • Business visa: This visa allows stays longer than a week for business reasons and is valid for up to four weeks.
  • Work visa: Required for all employees who accept a job in Bahrain. It typically has a validity of one or two years and grants residency rights in the country.
  • Family visa: Immediate family members of a worker in Bahrain must obtain a family visa to reside there during the employment period.
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Your employer or a Bahraini citizen must sponsor you for a work visa. The application involves completing a form and presenting documents such as your passport, passport-sized photo, copy of your employment contract, medical history, and proof of the corresponding fee payment.

The Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) of Bahrain processes the application and typically takes around five business days, although it can sometimes extend to two weeks. Once you have obtained the work permit, you have the right to reside in Bahrain for the duration specified on the visa.

The Step-By-Step Guide to Obtaining a Visa for Bahrain

Here’s how to go about obtaining a visa for Bahrain:

Step 1: Fill out the application form online at a trusted website such as Provide your personal information and a valid email address to receive your e-Visa. Ensure that you are outside Bahrain when you apply for the electronic visa.

Step 2: Provide credit card information to cover the cost of the e-Visa; fees may vary based on the processing times you choose.

Step 3: Attach required documents, such as a digital copy of your passport’s biometric data page, your passport-type photo, and proof of financial means for the duration of your stay in Bahrain.

Once you have completed these steps, the LMRA will process your application, usually within five business days, although delays up to two weeks can occur. Remember that your e-Visa will be valid for 90 days upon arrival, allowing for multiple entries. Make sure to use it within 30 days from the issue date.

For Bahrain work visa applicants, sponsorship by your employer or a Bahraini citizen is crucial. Additional requirements include a completed visa application form, passport-sized photo, a copy of your employment contract, medical report, and proof of payment for the corresponding fee.

I hope this helps in obtaining your visa for Bahrain.

The Cost of a Bahrain Visa

The Bahrain visa fee depends on the processing option chosen. There are three options available: Standard, Rush, and Super Rush.

For the Standard option, the visa cost is USD $146.99 and the processing takes about 7 days.

For the Rush option, the visa cost is USD $156.99, and it is processed within 5 days.

The Super Rush option is available for those requiring a faster service, priced at approximately USD $252.99, and processed within roughly 4 days.

Keep in mind that once issued, your e-Visa allows for multiple entries over 90 days after arriving in Bahrain.

For the visa application, you will need to attach several documents, such as a passport valid for at least 6 months from the entry date, a digital copy of the passport’s biometric data page, your passport-type photo, a return ticket as proof of leaving intentions, and proof of financial means for your stay in Bahrain.

Work Permits in Bahrain

Getting a work permit in Bahrain entails a thorough process. The Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) oversees it, and it can take about five business days, yet one must bear in mind there can be delays of up to two weeks.

The employer sponsoring the applicant is the first step. This implies that either an employer or a Bahraini citizen is willing to hire the applicant and take charge of the application process. However, employers should be aware that the number of visas they can sponsor is dependent on the size of the office and quotas set by national regulations.

Once the employer has agreed to sponsorship, the necessary requirements for the application must be fulfilled. These include a letter of employment, commercial registration number, employee capacity, contract duration, completed visa application form, employee passport, among other documents. It should be noted that for a family visa, you need apostilled personal documents, such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, and educational degree certificates.

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There are different types of work visas in Bahrain. The business visa is necessary for stays over a week on business matters and lasts up to four weeks. On the other hand, a work visa is required for all employees, which is valid for one to two years, also granting the right to reside in the country. However, the worker’s family members will need a family visa to live in Bahrain during the employment period but cannot work unless they obtain a separate work visa.

Living the Bahraini Life

Life in Bahrain offers a rich culture and an enriching atmosphere, perfect for those deciding to settle here. This small Middle Eastern country has a lot to offer. Here are some key aspects to enjoy living in Bahrain:

  • Local culture: Bahraini culture is closely linked to Islamic tradition. It’s important to respect the local dress codes, especially for women, and be mindful of social norms and customs.
  • Employment opportunities: Before moving to Bahrain, it is advisable to research the job market and look for opportunities that match your skills and qualifications.
  • Financial services: Getting acquainted with the banking system and financial services available in Bahrain is crucial for proper financial management.
  • Transportation: Knowing the different transportation options available in Bahrain is necessary to move efficiently throughout the country.

In addition to these, there are other important factors to adapting to everyday life in Bahrain:

  • Dress codes: Bahrain applies strict dress codes, especially for women. It is crucial to be aware of the types of clothing you can wear and to respect local culture.
  • Social relations: Bahrainis are known for their friendliness and hospitality. If you approach people with respect and education, you will be well received in the local community.

When it comes to working life in Bahrain, here are some key things to bear in mind:

  • Corporate culture: Bahrain is considered a progressive Arab country. It’s significant to feel respected and comfortable in the workplace environment, especially for women. Attire is usually conservative, and alcohol consumption is not common in work-related social settings.
  • Language: While English is the dominant language, knowing some Arabic can be beneficial for workplace relations.
  • Salaries: The average salary in Bahrain is 1,251 € after taxes.

Emigrating to Bahrain from Colombia

If you’re Colombian and thinking of moving to Bahrain, it’s crucial to know the details and specific requirements for this process. Colombians need an e-Visa to enter the country legally, which can be applied for online via trusted managing companies like

The procedure to apply for the Bahrain visa online is quite straightforward. First, fill out an application form on a reliable website, providing personal information and a valid email address. It’s important to note that you cannot be in Bahrain when applying for the electronic visa.

Once the form is completed, you will need to provide your credit card details to pay the total cost of the e-Visa. This cost includes the price of the e-Visa and the fee for the service provided. Depending on the delivery times you choose, the final price may vary.

You will also need to attach certain required documents, such as a scan of the personal information page of your passport, a return ticket, accommodation proof, and bank statements from the last 3 months, if applicable. Other additional documents may be requested, such as the last page of the passport, a justification letter, the GCC residency permit, and travel authorization from your employer or university, if applicable.

Finding Work in Bahrain

To find work in Bahrain, you need to follow specific steps and meet the criteria set by the Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA). Here are the key steps and requirements:

  • Obtain a work visa: Aside from citizens of the six Gulf states and British citizens by birth, all foreign nationals must apply for a work visa to be employed in Bahrain. There are various types of visas, such as a tourist visa for short stays that does not allow employment, and other work visas requiring a Bahraini sponsorship.
  • Gather the necessary documents: To apply for a work visa, you must present several documents, including your employee’s passport, a passport-sized photo, a copy of the employment contract with the employee’s personal details, an authorized medical report, and the payment receipt of the application fee.
  • Process the visa application: The LMRA is responsible for processing and issuing all work visas in Bahrain. Once you submit the necessary documents, the application process typically takes about five business days, although there may be delays up to two weeks.
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It’s essential to be aware that once you have the work permit, you are entitled to live in Bahrain. Furthermore, it’s advisable to be familiar with the country’s key industries, such as aluminum, oil refining and processing, banking, insurance, tourism, maritime services, plastics, and manufacturing, as they offer significant employment opportunities.

Remember that this information is only informative and does not constitute legal advice. It’s advisable to consult with a legal or tax advisor to get specific information tailored to your situation.

Education in Bahrain

Education is a pertinent topic for those looking to live and work in Bahrain. Bahrain features a well-developed educational system, with mandatory schooling for children aged 6 to 14, illustrating the government’s commitment to education and its citizens’ well-being.

Bahrain has a mix of public and private schools. Public schools are funded by the government and provide free education, while private schools require a tuition fee. However, private schools often offer more specialized educational programs and may follow international educational systems, such as the British or American systems.

Besides schools, Bahrain is home to a variety of high-quality universities. These institutions offer a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various disciplines. It’s worth mentioning that Arabic is the predominant language in these institutions, but English is also widely used due to its importance in the workplace.

Emigration to Bahrain from Mexico

Moving to Bahrain from Mexico can be an exciting and challenging adventure. To emigrate to Bahrain, it’s critical to obtain a residence visa. This visa must be applied for through Bahrain’s embassy or consulate in Mexico.

Keep in mind that to move to Bahrain, each family member will need a family visa. However, this does not apply to extended family members. To apply for a family visa, you need apostilled necessary documents, including a birth certificate, marriage certificate, and educational degree certificate. These documents should be original and translated into English or Arabic.

It is important to note that Globalization Partners does not currently offer assistance for visa or work permit processing in Bahrain. Therefore, be sure to have all the necessary documentation and procedures ready before starting the emigration process.

Once you have obtained your residence visa for Bahrain, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the country’s culture and history. Understanding immigration requirements, healthcare, economy, immigration laws, government, local culture, employment opportunities, financial services, and transportation in Bahrain is also necessary. When living in Bahrain, it is crucial to know and respect the local dress codes, be friendly with locals, and adapt to the local culture. This will help ease the adaptation process and lead to a more positive experience in the country.